Thou Mayest means life is a journey. Thank you for joining us on ours and we are honored to be included on yours too.
In the fast-paced, digital world in which we live, we believe in slowing down to honor unique craft - and we promise our best efforts at excellence and small-batch roasting. From the farm to your cup...we want to join with you on a beautiful adventure into the world of coffee.
There are many aspects of life where we do not have the luxury of choice. However, we do have the ability to choose our attitude surrounding our experiences.

• "The way is open" - Thou Mayest or Thou Mayest not.
• We all need to #takefunseriously.
• Coffee is a unique and specific expression of the culinary art.
• Our cafés are community spaces.
• Passion is not something you search for - it comes from within & you can take your passion with you in everything you do.
• We are pouring encouragement into the world, one beverage and experience at a time.
• Nature and the earth are the best sources of encouragement.
As a brand, we hope to empower and embolden people to encounter beauty in the natural world.