Natural Burundi - Seasonal Release
Light/Medium Roast
Single Origin - medium roast with complex floral notes
This microlot coffee is a creamy and floral natural process from a remote farm in Burundi.
Set in the remote hills of Burundi lies the Muyinga Province. Coffee farmers growing crops in this remote part of the country are a multi-days journey from the nearest wet mill, where the coffee can be carefully processed. Undeterred from what most would call a restraint, the farmers have been naturally processing the past crops on raised beds. The remoteness of their geography have caused the farmers to become masters at the natural processing method. They have developed a 72-hour anaerobic process for closing the coffee cherries in raised beds. This controlled fermentation adds a sweet, but thick jamminess to the coffee as well as other complex multi-layered flavors.
About This Coffee
- Soil quality
- Climate, including rainfall & temperature
- Altitude
- Surrounding natural environment
- The area's unique agricultural practices, from production to processing
- We hope you get a good sense of the dynamic terroir and the masterfully produced coffees from this special region of Burundi.
We hope you get a good sense of the dynamic terrior and the masterfully produced coffees from this special region of Burundi.